Wednesday 7 July 2021

Our Students' Certificates Ceremony

 We are really proud of our students. They worked hard towards a common goal and braved difficult times with poise. Here is a reminder of this experience.


Sunday 4 July 2021



Os dejamos una eco-receta para refrescarnos durante los días soleados. Esta receta fue elaborada expresamente para nuestros alumnos, como parte de la actividad Ecochef, y fue amablemente compartida por la Chef Malou, a quien nuestros jóvenes eTwinners entrevistaron en un reportaje especial de su "Cadena Green Steps".

Here is an eco-friendly recipe to cool off during the sunny days. This recipe was made especially for our students, as part of the Ecochef activity, and was kindly shared by Chef Malou, whom our young eTwinners interviewed in a special report on their "Green Steps Channel".

Saturday 12 June 2021

" Waste not, want not!"- Be aware!

As I invite you to follow the link to take a quick peek of the work done in the project, I would like to share that this was a really enriching experience to me, and I hope to my students! 

I thrived while accomplishing all the tasks and I learnt a great deal about eTwinning and how to deal with all the challenges that the project raised.

I am convinced that our project heightened awareness to the need to protect the environment and our beautiful world. We need to take strong measures if we want it to survive and heal.  Step by step we are doing our part!

 I hope this was a wake up call, as well as the beginning of a journey towards a more environmentally friendly approach to life, both for our students and their families.



                    ANKARA HIGH SCHOOL-SLOGANS


 Our certificate ceremony in the school garden

They worked hard for the project and won.

Friday 11 June 2021



We feel so happy to participate in this outstanding project on the environmental protection.

Our Students' Certificates Ceremony

  We are really proud of our students.  They worked hard towards a common goal and braved difficult times with poise. Here is a reminder of ...